Adoption Quote of the Week

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but out of respect and joy in each other's life." ~~Richard Bach

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family pets love adoption!!!!!

We received this picture today and I just couldn't resist! Not only does A Chosen Child find stable and loving homes for children, fulfill the dreams of parents who desire the addition of a special child into their homes and hearts, it turns out that we also provide "baby fixes" for family pets too.
This is a picture of a recent A Chosen Child adoptive placement, and it brought a smile to my face as soon as I saw it. Talk about a baby being loved on!
It reminded me, once again, about the awesome power of love. Being a "pet person" myself, as well as being a "baby person", this picture brought to mind thoughts of unconditional acceptance, commitment and trust, which are some of the characteristics, among others, that make up the foundation of adoption. It dosen't matter where you come from or where you've been, whether you are covered in fur, or partially hairless, differences cease to exist -- you are here now, you are loved, and that's all that matters. Look closely at the picture, the message is right there.
At A Chosen Child, we joyfully celebrate all the differences, the colors and the origins as we embrace trust, devotion, commitment, unconditional acceptance and love for every baby and every family that walks through our doors. Because that is the spirit of adoption.
Blessings and blessings.


  1. That picture is so adorable!!! You can feel the love just eminating from it just as you can feel the love eminating from all the work of A Chosen Child, Inc. It is such an unconditional, welcoming, and pure love.

  2. awwww! what a beautiful picture! This definitely tuged at my heart strings :) A Chosen Child has made miracles of love happen for sure.

  3. Although I am a behind the scenes worker for the adoption agency, A Chosen Child, Inc. and I don't often get to personally meet the birth and adoptive parents, I love to see the pictures of all the babies we have placed. Since I also love pets, this picture put a big smile on my face. How precious! It is such a blessing though when I have the oppoturnity to see the babies brought into the office and put into the arms of their forever families. The looks on everyone's faces and joyful tears that flow from not only the adoptive parents, but from my co-workers in the adoption agency are priceless! I am blessed to be a part of God's miracles in bringing families together.
